Year Round Activities

Riding Lessons, Training, and Boarding

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Secure Your Seat Class

New! Secure Your Seat Classes- Thursdays 9am to 11am

We have all been there- watching that elite English rider daze us with her skills with such seemingly ease.  Or that cowboy who moves in tune with his horse as he guides the cow up the fence line.  It’s so hard to wait 10 years and fall off countless times to get that good, right?  But wait a minute. Suppose I told you that you could learn basic skills that would both help you get to more advanced levels of riding faster AND help keep you safe?  And what if I told you that you could learn it in a user-friendly format that you could later use to re-teach yourself those skills if you haven’t been riding for a while -say over winter break?  Yes, it does exist!  Learn the Secure Seat method to ride any horse in a balanced position. 

This class includes 6 lessons meeting on Thursdays at 9-11am starting July 13th.  Ages 8 thru adult. Introductory price: $120 per rider for all 6 lessons! Please preregister.  (Note: this new program is being offered instead of our regular riding academy this summer) Late start? Take 5 lessons for $100 starting on July 20th instead.